The EffBuster Nitro is a compact containerised biological treatment Plant
Using an advanced Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) waste water treatment system to remove nitrogen (N), ammonium (NH4+) and phosphorous (P). While still providing the same level of treatment as EffBuster M, for removal of BOD, TSS and E. Coli.
An easily transportable EffBuster Nitro pilot plant is available for customers to lease. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, including sewerage and industrial wastewater. The pilot option is often used to assess treatment needs and capabilities, prior to applying for consents for a permanent plant.
Technical Specifications*
Design Flow
50 m3/d
6.1 m x 2.5 m
TSS 250 g/m3, BOD5 250 g/m3, E.Coli 10000 cfu/100mL, N 45 mg/L, P 15 mg/L
TSS < 2 g/m3, BOD5 < 10 g/m3, E.Coli < 10cfu/100mL, N < 15 mg/L, P < 2 mg/L
Design Flow
50 m3/d
6.1 m x 2.5 m
BOD5 250 g/m3
TSS 250 g/m3
E.Coli 10000 cfu/100mL
N 45 mg/L
P 15 mg/L
BOD5 < 10 g/m3
TSS < 2 g/m³
E.Coli < 10 cfu/100mL
N < 15 mg/L
P < 2 mg/L
Design Flow
150 m3/d
12 m x 2.5 m or 6 m x 5 m
TSS 250 g/m3, BOD5 250 g/m3, E.Coli 10000 cfu/100mL, N 45 mg/L, P 15 mg/L
TSS < 2 g/m3, BOD5 < 10 g/m3, E.Coli < 10cfu/100mL, N < 15 mg/L, P < 2 mg/L
150 m3/d
12 m x 2.5 m or 6 m x 5 m
BOD5 250 g/m3
TSS 250 g/m3
E.Coli 10000 cfu/100mL
N 45 mg/L
P 15 mg/L
BOD5 < 10 g/m3
TSS < 2 g/m³
E.Coli < 10 cfu/100mL
N < 15 mg/L
P < 2 mg/L
Design Flow
300 m3/d
12 m x 5 m
TSS 250 g/m3, BOD5 250 g/m3, E.Coli 10000 cfu/100mL, N 45 mg/L, P 15 mg/L
TSS < 2 g/m3, BOD5 < 10 g/m3, E.Coli < 10cfu/100mL, N < 15 mg/L, P < 2 mg/L
300 m3/d
12 m x 5 m
BOD5 250 g/m3
TSS 250 g/m3
E.Coli 10000 cfu/100mL
N 45 mg/L
P 15 mg/L
BOD5 < 10 g/m3
TSS < 2 g/m³
E.Coli < 10 cfu/100mL
N < 15 mg/L
P < 2 mg/L
*All EffBuster Nitro units are custom-designed and engineered for purpose
**Expected effluent characteristics based on prototype testing data